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global market

Emotional Investing and How to Avoid It

Emotional Investing and How to Avoid It

2022 has delivered some record drops in both the stock and bond markets. In the month of September alone, the S&P broke below the previous June closing low, declining 1.03%. Similarly, the Dow dropped another 1.11%. This type of volatility can be incredibly stressful for investors, and understandably so, but it should not be a time to panic. Instead, it’s often a sensible time to lean in.

Goldilocks Heads Back into the Forest

Goldilocks Heads Back into the Forest

Absent some blips, the financial markets enjoyed a Goldilocks environment for well over a decade, defined as a well balanced economy supported by moderate economic growth and low inflation (not too hot, not too cold).

Ringing in the New Year with Fireworks

Ringing in the New Year with Fireworks

The beginning of any new year is typically a time of hopeful resolutions as we reflect and strive to improve upon the shortcomings of the prior year. Moreover, in the case of ringing in 2022, we were very much longing to see a general return to pre-pandemic norms.