Celebrating over 40 years in business!


Creating a Suitable Legacy for Your Art Collection

Creating a Suitable Legacy for Your Art Collection

Keep a detailed inventory and update it as you buy and sell, including purchase receipts, current appraisals and even photographs of the pieces in your collection.

Finding Your Optimal Path for Legal Representation When Contemplating Divorce

Finding Your Optimal Path for Legal Representation When Contemplating Divorce

When contemplating divorce, there are understandably a significant amount of personal and practical considerations to examine. A good place to begin is to familiarize yourself with the process you may soon navigate and build a thorough understanding of the legal options available to you.

Demystifying Social Security Retirement Benefits for Divorcees

Demystifying Social Security Retirement Benefits for Divorcees

Understanding Social Security retirement benefits can be a daunting task for many, but even more so for divorcees. The eligibility rules are different when collecting a benefit on a former spouse’s employment record.

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

A major dilemma with navigating the divorce process is that it forces a person into an extremely emotional and gut-wrenching situation, and yet also requires extremely logical decision making to avoid major financial and legal mistakes.