Celebrating over 40 years in business!

Kristin Sun

Avoiding Occupancy Fraud When Obtaining a Home Mortgage

Avoiding Occupancy Fraud When Obtaining a Home Mortgage

2022 saw a dramatic rise in interest rates, including rates on home mortgage loans. The rise was so swift that many potential home buyers were quickly priced out of the market. As the mortgage landscape has shifted from the historically low rates we all enjoyed these past few years, it is important to understand an important nuance of how home loans work prior to stepping back into the market.

2023 Tax and Retirement Planning Updates to Keep on Your Radar

2023 Tax and Retirement Planning Updates to Keep on Your Radar

It is the start of a new year and if you are one for making resolutions, now is a great time to add some financial planning resolutions to your list. Or, at a minimum, keeping tabs on some of the recent updates to tax and retirement limits will make sure you start the year off on a great financial footing.

Skip, Skip, Skip to My Lou! But What Is a Generation Skipping Trust?

Skip, Skip, Skip to My Lou! But What Is a Generation Skipping Trust?

A Generation Skipping Trust is an irrevocable trust utilized to transfer significant wealth from the grantors (trust creators) to their grandchildren (or anyone at least 37.5 years younger). Doing so skips their own children, known as the “skip generation”, by passing the wealth directly to the grandchildren.

Can You Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

Can You Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

If you have recently purchased or are considering a secondary residence for use as a short-term rental or personal vacation home, you might be curious about the possible tax breaks and whether or not you can deduct your mortgage interest.

Can We Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

Can We Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

If you have recently purchased or are considering a secondary residence for use as a short-term rental or personal vacation home, you might be curious about the possible tax breaks and whether or not you can deduct your mortgage interest.

Why It’s Time To Manage Your Company Stock

Why It’s Time To Manage Your Company Stock

In this installment of the Sand Hill Interview Series, Senior Wealth Manager Kristin Sun, CFP®, CDFA®, and Co-Chief Investment Officer Mark Strahs discuss how stock concentrations have become a huge driver of today’s wealth, and the importance of diversifying away from stock concentrations.

CA’s Prop 19 - New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

CA’s Prop 19 - New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

In the November 2020 election, California voters narrowly passed Proposition 19, a measure that impacts two major areas related to property tax and property transfer. First, it gives homeowners more flexibility to change residences anywhere within California while retaining their property tax base as long as the new home is purchased within two years of the original home’s sale.

Finding Your Optimal Path for Legal Representation When Contemplating Divorce

Finding Your Optimal Path for Legal Representation When Contemplating Divorce

When contemplating divorce, there are understandably a significant amount of personal and practical considerations to examine. A good place to begin is to familiarize yourself with the process you may soon navigate and build a thorough understanding of the legal options available to you.

Demystifying Social Security Retirement Benefits for Divorcees

Demystifying Social Security Retirement Benefits for Divorcees

Understanding Social Security retirement benefits can be a daunting task for many, but even more so for divorcees. The eligibility rules are different when collecting a benefit on a former spouse’s employment record.

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

A major dilemma with navigating the divorce process is that it forces a person into an extremely emotional and gut-wrenching situation, and yet also requires extremely logical decision making to avoid major financial and legal mistakes.