Celebrating over 40 years in business!


Considerations for Managing Finances in the Competitive Start-Up Culture of the Bay Area

Considerations for Managing Finances in the Competitive Start-Up Culture of the Bay Area

In the competitive start-up culture of the Bay Area, how your personal finances are managed can be a critical factor in achieving long-term success. Sand Hill Global Advisors, a trusted independent wealth management firm in San Francisco and Palo Alto, recognizes the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs and offers the following considerations in managing your personal finances.

Investment Strategies for Tech Professionals in the Bay Area

Investment Strategies for Tech Professionals in the Bay Area

As a professional in the tech industry, your work may involve innovation, cutting-edge technology, and rapid growth. However, navigating the world of personal finance requires a different set of skills. At Sand Hill Global Advisors, we understand the unique financial challenges faced by tech workers and offer tailored investment strategies to help you make the most of your wealth.

How I Learned to Love the Bot

How I Learned to Love the Bot

For those new to the relatively recent and rather profound paradigm shift in internet search, the next generation of chatbots can realistically simulate human conversation by mining huge samples of texts and images available on the internet.

Service with a Side of Technology

Service with a Side of Technology

For many industries, the decline of service and the co-opting of customers into part-time staff has dressed cost cutting up in the guise of flexibility, efficiency, and consumer choice; but it doesn’t have to be that way.