Celebrating over 40 years in business!

Jan 2021

Horse Ownership and You: Investing in Your Passions

Horse Ownership and You: Investing in Your Passions

There is no question that horses and humanity are inexorably linked. The first archaeological evidence of people domesticating horses dates as far back as 3500 B.C.E. And despite the fact that tractors and cars have replaced horses for work and travel in the modern day, America’s equine population has steadily increased over the last 50 years with no signs of slowing. As an investor you may ask yourself, is the equestrian world truly a worthwhile investment?

Brenda Vingiello on CNBC’s Halftime Report - Adjusting Portfolios

Brenda Vingiello on CNBC’s Halftime Report - Adjusting Portfolios

On January 15, 2021 In this CNBC interview, Sand Hill’s Chief Investment Officer discusses her views on the markets and the second half of 2021, and shares how we are investing for our clients, especially within the sectors we see most opportunities.

CA’s Prop 19 - New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

CA’s Prop 19 - New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

In the November 2020 election, California voters narrowly passed Proposition 19, a measure that impacts two major areas related to property tax and property transfer. First, it gives homeowners more flexibility to change residences anywhere within California while retaining their property tax base as long as the new home is purchased within two years of the original home’s sale.

Saving Tax Dollars with Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

Saving Tax Dollars with Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

Per the Internal Revenue Code, there is an allowance on deferring capital gains tax after the sale of qualified small business stock if proceeds are used to buy shares in a new qualifying company.