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vacation home

Can You Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

Can You Deduct Mortgage Interest on a Second Home?

If you have recently purchased or are considering a secondary residence for use as a short-term rental or personal vacation home, you might be curious about the possible tax breaks and whether or not you can deduct your mortgage interest.

5 Things to Think About Before Buying a Vacation Home

5 Things to Think About Before Buying a Vacation Home

Watch Sand Hill Global Advisor's video about the most important things to consider before buying your dream vacation home in this frenzied real estate market, such as the cost, location, investment potential, tax impact, and exit strategy.

Dreams for Sale: Buying a Vacation Home

Dreams for Sale: Buying a Vacation Home

Vacation living can be fabulous. The stress of daily meal preparation, schedules and work commitments fade away, allowing you to reconnect with family and friends in a way that can be challenging to do in your regular life.

Renting Out the Family Vacation Home

Renting Out the Family Vacation Home

If you own a family vacation home in the mountains of Tahoe or anywhere else in the country or world, congratulations! The incredible memories made during family getaways can truly last a lifetime for so many generations. Since they are only used occasionally, many family homes sit unoccupied for the majority of the year, providing a ripe opportunity to transition the property into an income producing asset. This transition is often filled with a number of unforeseen complexities, which must be carefully navigated while converting a family’s second home into a Vacation Home Rental (VHR).

Home Swapping in Paradise

Home Swapping in Paradise

Gorgeous weather, fantastic food and easy access to both the mountains and beaches make Northern California an extremely attractive place to live and one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. For homeowners who like to travel and are looking to trim their vacation budget, or simply want a unique travel experience, the idea of home swapping may be appealing.